The CPI based on prices in January increased 0.5% between months bringing inflation to 5.7% from 5.1% in December.
Last week’s highlights
The CPI based on prices in January increased 0.5% between months bringing the headline number to 5.7% from 5.1% in December. This was significantly higher than expected, but we forecasted a 0.2% decrease between months. Inflation has not been higher since April 2012.
The unemployment rate based on the Icelandic Labour Force Survey was 4.2% in December down 2.8 percentage points between years.
S&P Global Ratings affirmed Íslandsbanki’s rating at BBB/A-2.
The week ahead
On Wednesday, the CBI with release the results of its survey of market expectations.
Marel (Wednesday), Icelandair Group (Thursday) and Landsbankinn (Thursday) publish earnings for 2021.
Markets and Economic Overview