Security in banking


Stay safe in cy­ber­space

We’ve com­piled ac­cess­ible in­form­a­tion on how to re­cog­nise cy­ber­fraud and private meas­ures we can all take to pro­tect against it.

Security in online banking platforms

The security systems learns to recognise customers’ online behaviour and requests confirmation of identity when it detects discrepancies.


Personal security

We endeavour to ensure your security online. We want to encourage you to take steps to enhance security in your banking transactions even further.

Nordic Financial CERT

Collaboration on cybersecurity

Landsbankinn is a member of Nordic Financial CERT, a collaborative platform by Nordic financial undertakings that aims to strengthen cyber security and combat cybercrime.

Öryggi í netverslun
How to guard against cybercrime

Cybercriminal activity is on the rise. We’ve compiled accessible information on how to recognise cyberfraud and private measures we can take to protect against it.

Be careful of social media fraud

We want to warn our customers against cybercrime activity, especially attempts perpetrated through social media and messaging apps, which have been rampant of late.

Fingur, auga eða rödd í stað lykilorða
More articles on cybersecurity

In an effort to increase security in online transactions, Landsbankinn has published accessible information on cyber security and advice on how to detect fraud.

Join our group of satisfied customers

Applying for access to online banking and the app, creating an account and getting a debit card is a matter of minutes.


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