Discount on investment in funds until 4 March
Currency calculator

In the app, you can set savings goals and select savings plans to help you achieve these goals, and enjoy a higher interest rate.

Save time with straight-through credit card receipts.

What should I do if I think I’ve been had?

Monthly statistics analysis and an overview of current economic affairs in Iceland.

Shopping online is not without its risks, as fraudsters and cybercriminals go to great lengths to steal payment information or defraud people in other ways.

When you become financially competent, you become responsible for managing your money and business relationships.
News and notifications
Akureyri branch moves to new location
Open sale process of Keahótel ends without sale
Publication of Landsbankinn’s Annual & Sustainability Report
Landsbankinn issues AT1 securities
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Applying for access to online banking and the app, creating an account and getting a debit card is a matter of minutes.