Rouble ex­change op­por­tun­ity ex­pires on 1 Novem­ber

Landsbankinn will accept Russian roubles for exchange until 1 November of this year. After that date, it will not be possible to exchange roubles for Icelandic króna at the Bank.
8 October 2018

Landsbankinn will accept Russian roubles for exchange until 1 November of this year. After that date, it will not be possible to exchange roubles for Icelandic króna at the Bank..

Russian roubles are generally not available in Iceland nor can roubles be exchanged for Icelandic króna. Landsbankinn is a proud sponsor of the Icelandic Football Association and the national football teams. On the occasion of the FIFA World Cup this summer, the Bank set up a rouble ATM in Smáralind shopping centre, allowing for the temporary withdrawal of roubles. Roubles were only available at the ATM.

For information about the rouble/ISK exchange rate, visit the Bank’s website.

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