
Borgað með Aukakrónum

Is your phone bursting with Aukakrónur?

You col­lect Aukakrónur when you use one of our pay­ment cards with our pro­gramme part­ners.

All domestic card use earns you Aukakrónur from Landsbankinn.
You also get a discount in the form of Aukakrónur when shopping with our partners.
You can use Aukakrónur to buy almost anything from our partners.

How do I collect Aukakrónur?

You collect Aukakrónur when you use your credit card or prepaid card. We contribute Aukakrónur in the amount of 0.2%-0.5% on all domestic card use. You also collect Aukakrónur when you shop with our programme partners. We have numerous partners and you receive a purchase discount of up to 20%.

Borgað með Aukakrónum

Aukakrónur cards

The Aukakrónur programme applies to almost all our credit cards and pre-paid cards. The amount of Aukakrónur you collect varies depending on your card.

How do I use Aukakrónur?

All Aukakrónur you collect are applied to your withdrawal card. The withdrawal card can be used like any other payment card to pay for goods and services with our partners. One Aukakróna is equivalent to one Icelandic króna and we have over 200 programme partners. It doesn’t get any simpler!

Aukakrónur og

You can buy almost anything with Aukakrónur

Check out over 50,000 products that earn you Aukakrónur on the product search site. It’s easy to search by category, with search words or by browsing the most popular products at any given time.

Borgað með Aukakrónum í matvöruverslun

Aukakrónur are stored in your phone

You can use Aukakrónur when you pay with your phone. Add your Aukakrónur withdrawal card to Google Wallet or Apple Wallet in the Landsbankinn app and start paying. The app also allows you to access card numbers that you can use to shop online with our programme partners.

Learn about our partners

We have over 200 programme partners throughout the country.

Aukakrónur in the app

You’ll find everything you need to know about Aukakrónur in Landsbankinn’s app. You can check your balance, transaction statements and connect the withdrawal card to your mobile wallet.

Want to become an Aukakrónur partner?

Aukakrónur is Landsbankinn's benefit scheme with around 75,000 participating customers. Contact us at to learn more!


Join our group of satisfied customers

Applying for access to online banking and the app, creating an account and getting a debit card is a matter of minutes.


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