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Remove registered device
Remove registered device
Sometimes it’s necessary to remove devices that are authorised for log-in with biometrics (face ID or fingerprint). This can happen in cybercrime cases where users are tricked into approving fake devices for log-in purposes.
Note that customers with access to online banking for corporates can only remove registered devices in Landsbankinn’s app, not on the website.
Remove device in Landsbankinn’s app
Removing devices in online banking for individuals
The summer months usually see an increase in attempted internet fraud. Scammers may be hoping that people on vacation are more likely to thoughtlessly click on links or fail to read messages carefully.
We want to warn our customers against cybercrime activity, especially attempts perpetrated through social media and messaging apps, which have been rampant of late.
Cybercriminal activity is on the rise. We’ve compiled accessible information on how to recognise cyberfraud and private measures we can take to protect against it.
Join our group of satisfied customers
Applying for access to online banking and the app, creating an account and getting a debit card is a matter of minutes.