Private banking


Build­ing a strong port­fo­lio

  • Com­pre­hens­ive fin­an­cial ser­vices on fa­vour­able ter­ms
  • Ex­per­ts man­age your port­fo­lio

Personal service

We assist individuals who want to build a strong portfolio while enjoying expert investment and banking advice.

Your account manager
You will be assigned a dedicated account manager who will handle any banking services you may need. This way, you can be sure that you receive professional financial services tailored to your needs. 
Collaboration and consultation
We are always available to provide expert investment and banking advice with a focus on responsible consultation and informed decisions.
The most advantageous terms
Landsbankinn's Private Banking customers always enjoy the best terms and services available at any given time.
Menn að skoða kort

What service is best for you?

Our Private Banking account managers will help you find ways to ensure permanent financial security for you and your loved ones. We offer our customers two different service plans depending on their familiarity with financial markets and their financial status.

Asset management
With the asset management service plan, we find an investment strategy that suits your investment time and risk appetite. Your assets are then managed accordingly.

Investment advice
The investment advice service plan is suitable for those who keep up with financial markets and have strong opinions on investments. With investment advice, your Private Banking account manager acts as consultant while giving you the final say on your investments. The minimum amount for investment advice is ISK 75 million.

We are here for you

Our Private Banking account managers will help you ensure permanent financial security for you and your loved ones.

Búi Örlygsson

Head of Department
bui.orlygsson@landsbankinn.is354 4107149

Anna Haukdal Jónsdóttir

Account Manager
anna.h.jonsdottir@landsbankinn.is354 4107181
Anthony K. Gregory

Anthony Karl Gregory

Account Manager
Anthony.K.Gregory@landsbankinn.is354 4107586

Bjarni Már Vilhjálmsson

Account Manager
bjarni.m.vilhjalmsson@landsbankinn.is354 4107183

Elín Dóra Halldórsdóttir

Account Manager
elin.d.halldorsdottir@landsbankinn.is354 4106426
Guðni Hafsteinsson

Guðni Hafsteinsson

Account Manager
gudni.hafsteinsson@landsbankinn.is354 4107143
Jóhann Ómarsson

Jóhann Ómarsson

Account Manager
johann.omarsson@landsbankinn.is354 4107146
Kristján Ágústsson

Kristján Ágústsson

Account Manager
kristjan.agustsson@landsbankinn.is354 4107145
Sigrún Guðbrandsdóttir

Sigrún Guðbrandsdóttir

Account Manager
sigrun.gudbrandsdottir@landsbankinn.is354 4107142
Sigurður Elí Haraldsson

Sigurður Elí Haraldsson

Account Manager
sigurdur.e.haraldsson@landsbankinn.is354 4107148
Teitur Páll Reynisson

Teitur Páll Reynisson

Account Manager
teitur.p.reynisson@landsbankinn.is354 4107165
Valdimar A. Valdimarsson

Valdimar Agnar Valdimarsson

Account Manager
valdimar.a.valdimarsson@landsbankinn.is354 4107115
Vigdís S. Hrafnkelsdóttir

Vigdís Sif Hrafnkelsdóttir

Account Manager
vigdis.s.hrafnkelsdottir@landsbankinn.is354 4107161

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