You can now use your phone to pay with Aukakrónur! Simply add your Aukakrónur card to Google Wallet or Apple Wallet through Landsbankinn’s app and select Aukakrónur when you pay for goods and services with one of our 200 partners throughout Iceland.
Aukakrónur accrue to a special Aukakrónur card. You’ll find the card on the Aukakrónur page in Landsbankinn’s app and can add it to mobile solutions just like all other cards offered by the Bank. You can also retrieve the full card number to use in the online shopping platforms of our partners.
Accrue directly to the phone
If you have a credit card or pre-paid card from the Bank that is linked to the Aukakrónur system, you get Aukakrónur on all domestic card use as well as a discount in the form of Aukakrónur with our partners.
If you shop for let’s say ISK 10,000 with a partner who offers a 5% discount, 500 Aukakrónur are deposited to your Aukakrónur card. In addition, you get Aukakrónur from Landsbankinn on domestic card use. Aukakrónur can accumulate fast and you can use them to purchase goods and pay for services with any of our many partners. The whole process is automatic and you don’t need to activate offers or take any similar action.
Accumulated over 430 million Aukakrónur in one year
Aukakrónur are one of the country’s oldest and largest benefit system. In 2021, around 70,000 of the Bank’s customers accumulated over 430 million Aukakrónur. Surveys show that Aukakrónur are very popular, both among our customers and partners.
More about Aukakrónur (Icelandic)