First com­pany to re­ceive Lands­bank­inn’s Sus­tain­able Fin­an­cing Label

UR Seafood (Útgerðarfélag Reykjavíkur hf.) is the first company to receive Landsbankinn’s Sustainable Financing Label. The company receives the label for its MSC certified sustainable seafood.
Runólfur V. Guðmundsson og Árni Þór Þorbjörnsson
15 July 2021

Companies applying for loans at Landsbankinn can now request to be issued the Bank’s Sustainable Financing Label. To receive this label, the financed project must meet the sustainability criteria of the Bank’s Sustainable Finance Framework and fall into one of the project categories in the framework. Projects which fall under the scope of the framework include switching public transport to renewable energy, renewable energy production, certified sustainable fisheries, eco-friendly buildings and social development projects.

Árni Thór Thorbjörnsson, Managing Director of Landsbankinn Corporate Banking:

“The Sustainable Financing Label lets our customers show that they have consideration for the environment and society in their operation. UR Seafood has long worked towards sustainability in its operation, and successfully so. We are pleased to issue UR Seafood the Bank’s Sustainable Financing Label for MSC certified sustainable seafood. The aim of our Sustainable Financing Label is to support customers on their sustainability journey, which is profitable for business in the long term. We at Landsbankinn are no less eager to do our bit for the climate and can be most effective through our lending and investment activity.”

Runólfur V. Guðmundsson, CEO of UR Seafood:

“We at UR Seafood are extremely proud to have achieved Landsbankinn’s Sustainable Financing Label for our funding. This achievement is even more meaningful in light of the mutual respect and trust that has characterised our business with the Bank throughout the years and encourages us to continue working towards meaningful goals.”

More about sustainable finance

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