The Annual General Meeting of Landsbankinn hf. will be held on 22 April 2020, at 13:00. The AGM was originally scheduled to be held on 27 March 2020 but was postponed due to Covid-19.
Draft agenda
- Report from the Board of Directors on the Bank’s activities during the past operating year.
- Annual financial statements for the past operating year, together with a report from the auditor, placed before the meeting for attestation.
- Decision on payment of a dividend and disposition of profit from the past financial year.
- Motion from the Board of Directors on a remuneration policy submitted to the meeting for approval.
- Motions to amend the Articles of Association.
- Election of the Board of Directors.
- Elec
- tion of the auditor.
- Decision on remuneration to members of the Board of Directors for the next term of office.
- Authorisation to purchase own shares.
- Other business.
Impact of restrictions on gatherings on attendance
In light of the spread of Covid-19 and the decision of the Minister of Health to place restrictions on gatherings, the Board of Directors asks that shareholders do not physically attend the meeting. Only the CEO, Chairman of the Board and the Bank’s auditor will be physically present at the meeting, along with necessary staff. Shareholders can participate in written voting on proposals to the meeting before the meeting.