Lands­bank­inn lowers in­terest rates

Landsbankinn has lowered corporate and retail rates and a new interest rate tariff enters into effect at the beginning of the banking day 13 March. Variable interest rates on housing loans decrease by 0.40 percentage points (pp), overdraft interest rates decrease by 0.30-0.50 pp and prime rates decrease by 0.30 pp.
11 March 2020 - Landsbankinn

Landsbankinn has lowered corporate and retail rates and a new interest rate tariff enters into effect at the beginning of the banking day 13 March.

Variable interest rates on housing loans decrease by 0.40 percentage points (pp). After the change, variable rates on non-indexed housing loans will be 4.50% and variable rates on indexed housing loans will be 2.80%.

Fixed rates for non-indexed 36 and 60-month housing loans will decrease by 0.30 pp. Fixed rates on 60-month inflation-indexed housing loans will also be lowered by 0.30 pp.

Non-indexed and indexed prime rates on housing loans decrease by 0.30 pp.

Overdraft interest rates decrease by 0.30-0.50 pp and variable rates on vehicle and equipment loans decrease by 0.30 pp.

Deposit interest rates on general current accounts remain unchanged with other common interest rates on deposits decreasing by 0.30-0.50 pp.

Further details will be forthcoming in Landsbankinn's new interest rate table, which takes effect on 13 March 2020.

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