
How can I get bank­ing service wit­hout visit­ing a branch?

Because of Covid-19, many customers who usually visit branches to tend to their banking business must now utilise other service channels. This article provides answers to frequently asked questions for customers using online banking or the app for the first time.
31. mars 2020

Regular service in a Landsbankinn branch is only available in urgent cases that cannot be resolved using other channels, such as self-service or a conversation with the Customer Service Centre. Appointments for service in a bank branch must be pre-arranged. The changes were made in response to tighter restrictions on gatherings and to slow the spread of Covid-19.

In most cases, there is no need to visit a branch to receive banking services, as paying bills, checking on account balance and almost all other general banking service can be accessed through online banking, Landsbankinn’s app or ATMs.

Assistance, advice and instruction is available by phone from the Customer Service Centre.

What do I do if I don’t have access to online banking?

If you have a tablet or smartphone, the easiest thing to do is download Landsbankinn’s app. Use electronic ID to sign in to the app and begin using it at once.

How do I download Landsbankinn’s app?

Landsbankinn’s app works on all smartphones and smart devices. It can be downloaded from App Store (for Apple) or Google Playstore (for Android). Sign in using electronic ID and begin using the app at once.

Instructions on how to set up Landsbankinn’s app

What can I do if I don’t have electronic ID?

Contact Landsbankinn’s Customer Service Centre by calling +354 410 4000 or use the web chat on to send us a query.

How to I open Landsbankinn online banking?

Online banking is accessible from Landsbankinn’s website. To access online banking, enter a user name and password. You can also log in with electronic ID.

How do I pay bills in online banking?

Click “Unpaid bills” at the top of the page to view all unpaid invoices. Note that some bills can be optional, such as from charities, and you do not need to pay them unless you want to. To complete the transaction, you must enter your security number.

Instructions on the use of online banking

How do I pay bills in Landsbankinn’s app?

Click on the icon with three horizontal lines in the top right corner. An overview of all actions available in the app will appear. Selecting “Unpaid bills” will take you to a to view of all unpaid invoices. Note that some bills can be optional, such as from charities, and you do not need to pay them unless you want to. To complete the transaction, you must enter your security number.

Instructions on the use Landsbankinn's app

How can I transfer funds without visiting a branch?

It is easy to transfer funds in the app and online banking. You can also go to a nearby ATM to withdraw money with a debit or credit card. Messages on the ATM screen will take you through the process, step by step.

I do not have a payment card. Can I get a payment card without visiting a branch?

Yes. If you require a card, for example to withdraw cash from an ATM, contact the Customer Service Centre by calling +354 410 4000, emailing or sending us a message through the web chat on

How can I pay giro coupons that do not appear under unpaid bills?

Payment or giro coupons that are not issued to your Id. No. may not appear under unpaid bills.

There is a tab under “Unpaid bills” labelled “Payment and giro coupons”. Here you can enter the numbers on the so-called coupon OCR character strip (computer information).

Can I pay bills and payment coupons through other means that online banking or the app yet without visiting a branch?

  • Yes. You can call the Customer Service Centre and ask that all bills received each month are registered for direct debit in online banking. That way they will be paid automatically on the due date for payment.
  • It is also easy to pay bills in nearby ATMs. Messages on the ATMs screen will take you through the process, step by step.

Can I smooth my payment card bills across a longer period without visiting a branch?

  • Yes, quite simply. Open online banking, click “Payment cards” at the top of the screen, select “Actions” and “Equalise payments”.If you don’t have access to online banking, you can call the Customer Service Centre, tel. +354 410 4000.

Please remember that if you need assistance, advice or instruction, you can call Landsbankinn’s Customer Service Centre, email us, or request a consultation on the Bank’s website.

  • Landsbankinn’s Customer Service Centre is open between 9-16. Tel: +354 410 4000
  • Email:
  • To request a consultation, go to Landsbankinn’s website.
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