Aukalán loan

Screenshot from Landsbankinn's app

Bridge the gap with an Aukalán loan

Do you need to cov­er un­ex­pec­ted ex­penses? Aukalán loans are suit­able for a wide range of situ­ations. You can take out the loan any­where and any­time, and get the money right away.

Aukalán loan in the app

You can take out an Aukalán loan for a term of up to 5 years and receive it at once.

You can see at once the amount of credit available to you and the terms that apply
No lending fees in the self-serve option
No prepayment fee
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Do you want to systematically lower your overdraft?

Take out an Aukalán loan and use it to pay off your overdraft with monthly payments. This will give you better interest terms rates while systematically lowering your short-term debts.

More favourable interest terms than with an overdraft
Equal monthly payments for up to 5 years
Overdraft can be paid up in whole or in part
No lending fees in the self-serve option
No prepayment fee

Use your credit limit as you see fit

Your credit limit indicates the credit amount available to you. Your credit limit is automatically calculated periodically based on your financial and business history.

Your credit limit allows you to take out a loan or set authorisations whenever you want. You can divide your credit limit between Aukalán loans, your overdraft authorisation and card authorisation, as suits you best.


Join our group of satisfied customers

Applying for access to online banking and the app, creating an account and getting a debit card is a matter of minutes.


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