Award grants to fif­teen ex­cep­tion­al stu­dents

16 June 2022 - Landsbankinn

Landsbankinn awarded fifteen student scholarships from the Bank’s Community Fund on 15 June. Scholarships were awarded for the 33rd time in the total amount of ISK 6 million. Just over 300 applications were received this year.

Styrkþegar námsstyrkja Landsbankans

Pictured are scholarship recipients or their representatives with Runólfur Smári Steinthórsson, Professor at the University of Iceland and chair of the judging panel, Sigríður Guðmundsdóttir, HR Manager at Landsbankinn and Helgi Teitur Helgason, Managing Director of Personal Banking at Landsbankinn.

Scholarships are awarded in five categories: to secondary school students, for vocational studies and apprenticeships, to university students, post-graduate students and for artistic study.

The panel of judges sought to select ambitious, exceptional students with an interesting future vision who are likely, in the opinion of the panel, to enrich the Icelandic social fabric in the long term. Other factors taken into consideration included research and written articles, voluntary service, participation in sports and in social activities, etc.

The panel of judges was comprised of Runólfur Smári Steinthórsson, Professor at the University of Iceland, Guðrún Norðfjörð, Marketing Director at Forlagið and Sigríður Guðmundsdóttir, HR Manager at Landsbankinn.

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