Lands­bank­inn As­set Man­age­ment part­ners with LGT Cap­it­al Part­ners

Landsbankinn Asset Management has partnered with international asset management firm LGT Capital Partners.
30 August 2018

Landsbankinn Asset Management has partnered with international asset management firm LGT Capital Partners.

LGT Capital Partners is a leading alternative investment specialist with over USD 60 billion in assets under management and more than 500 institutional clients in 37 countries. An international team of over 450 professionals is responsible for managing a wide range of investment programs focusing on private markets, liquid alternatives and multi-asset class solutions. Headquartered in Pfaeffikon (SZ), Switzerland, the firm has offices in New York, Dublin, London, Paris, Vaduz, Dubai, Beijing, Hong Kong, Tokyo and Sydney.

Wide variety of international funds

Landsbankinn brokers transactions on behalf of customers in foreign equities and bonds on all leading securities markets. The Bank also intermediates brokerage in foreign funds managed by renowned fund management companies such as AllianceBernstein, BlackRock, T. Rowe Price, UBS, Carnegie Funds and in foreign mutual funds managed by Landsbréf, Landsbankinn’s subsidiary.

Tom Haas Carstensen, Executive Director, Head of Nordics, LGT Capital Partners. “We are pleased to be partnering with Landsbankinn. Their local experience and network enables us to introduce more investors to our investment capabilities. We are convinced that our experience in alternative investments, multi-asset solutions and the integration of ESG match the requirements of many investors in Iceland.”

Kristín Erla Jóhannsdóttir, Head of Asset Management Services at Landsbankinn: “We are very pleased to add the funds of LGT Capital Partners to Landsbankinn’s diverse selection of products on overseas markets, increasing our international investment objectives. One of the key positives of this partnership is LGT’s knowledge and experience of assessing investment objectives with regard for sustainability. This is in line with Landsbankinn's Policy on Social Responsibility. In recent years, the Bank has been leading the effort to implement responsible investment.”

Kristín Erla Jóhannsdóttir, Head of Asset Management Services at Landsbankinn

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