Pub­lic­a­tion of Lands­bank­inn’s 2021 An­nu­al & Sus­tain­ab­il­ity Re­port

The Report provides accessible insight into the Bank’s services and operation and details about the great strides made in sustainability in 2021.
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3 February 2022 - Landsbankinn

The Annual & Sustainability Report is comprised of four chapters. The chapter on governance and organisation includes addresses from the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the CEO, information about the Bank’s strategy and governance practices and a summary of main news in 2021.

The chapter on satisfied customers takes a look at new solutions for customers, new services, increased satisfaction and greatly increased trade in equities and funds, to name a few highlights. Special mention is made of the Bank’s trailblazing use of data generated in its operation to improve services even more and the growing risk from cyberattacks and defences to withstand them.

The chapter on sustainability is rich in content. A detailed review of our main sustainability projects in 2021 is provided, including our initial calculation of GHG emissions from our loan book, issuance of two green bond classes and the new Sustainable Financing Label for sustainable corporate funding. Other subjects include the Bank’s carbon footprint, human resources, equality and education, and a review of our varied partnerships and support for the community.

The chapter on finance and annual financial statements contains detailed information on operations, financial standing, funding and risk management, well illustrated with graphics. The chapter discusses performance and profitability, increased commission income, efficiency in operations and more.

The Report also contains short articles from the Bank’s employees, providing insight into their work at the Bank.

The Bank’s Pillar III risk report is also published today and can be accessed via the chapter on risk management.

Landsbankinn’s Annual & Sustainability Report for 2021

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