Landsbankinn's funding rests on three main pillars: Deposits from customers, market funding and equity. The Bank’s credit rating, issued by S&P Global Ratings, is BBB+/A-2 with stable outlook.

Market funding
Landsbankinn is a regular issuer on both domestic and international bond markets. EMTN issuance and covered bonds form the largest part of the Bank’s borrowing.

EMTN issuance
Landsbankinn has listed an Euro Medium Term Note (EMTN) programme in the amount of EUR 2 billion. The Bank first issuance under the EMTN programme was in 2015 and issuance has been regular since.

Covered bonds
Landsbankinn issues covered bonds under a covered bonds issuance framework in the total amount of EUR 2,500 million. Initial issuance of covered bonds was in 2013, with regular issuance since.

Bonds and bills
Issuance of bonds and bills in the domestic market takes place under the Bank’s framework for bonds and bills in the amount of ISK 50 billion.

Sustainable finance framework
Initial issuance under the framework was in 2021.