Senior management
Senior management
The Executive Board is comprised of the CEO and managing directors of all divisions.

Lilja Björk Einarsdóttir, CEO
Lilja Björk has a degree in mechanical and industrial engineering from the University of Iceland and an M.Sc. in financial engineering from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
In 2008 to 2016, Lilja directed the operation, asset management and recovery of the assets of old Landsbanki Íslands, LBI ehf., in London. In 2005 to 2008, she worked as an analyst and later managing director at Landsbanki Íslands hf. in London, responsible for the daily operation and development of support functions, amongst other things. Lilja previously worked for consulting firm Marsh & McLennan from 2003 to 2005 for such clients as the Ford Motor Company, as an expert in planning and creating risk models for the insurance and treasury departments.

Arinbjörn Ólafsson, IT
Arinbjörn completed a MSc degree in industrial engineering from the University of Iceland in 2000 and a PhD in the same field from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in USA in 2006.
He came to work in the Securities & Treasury division at Landsbankinn in 2006. Between 2009 and 2015, he worked on the financial restructuring of companies and managed recalculation of exchange rate indexed loans. Arinbjörn has held a managerial position within IT at Landsbankinn since 2015 and became Managing Director of the IT division in July 2017.

Árni Thór Thorbjörnsson, Corporate Banking
Árni holds a degree in law from the University of Iceland and a diploma in business and operational studies. He was legally certified in Corporate Finance from the Securities & Investment Institute in London in 2005.
He worked for Landsbanki Íslands hf. from 1996. During his first years with the Bank, Árni worked on projects such as legal advisory and representation. Árni was the senior legal officer of the Bank's Corporate Banking division until 2008 and took over as the Managing Director of Corporate Banking Division when the new bank was established.

Bergsteinn Ó. Einarsson, Risk Management
Bergsteinn holds a B.Sc. degree in Mathematics and has 15 years of experience of risk management. He has been in a management role at the Bank since 2012 and served as Deputy Managing Director of Risk Management from 2018. Bergsteinn started as a specialist in Landsbankinn Risk Management in 2008 and had previously worked in risk management at Kaupthing in 2005 and 2006.

Eyrún Anna Einarsdóttir, Asset Management & Capital Markets
Eyrún holds a B.Sc. in Industrial Engineering from the University of Iceland, an M.Sc. degree in Investment Management from Reykjavík University and is a licensed securities broker.
Eyrún joined Landsbankinn in 2006. She started out in Portfolio Management under the Bank’s then Asset Management division and led the department from 2010 to 2012. From 2012 to 2021, Eyrún was Head of Business Solutions under Asset Management & Capital Markets. In that capacity, she was responsible for KPI´s, planning, development, and managed most operational aspects of the division, including change management. She spearheaded implementation of many large projects undertaken by the Bank in the field of securities transactions and led a cross functional product management team for savings and investments.

Helgi Teitur Helgason. Personal Banking
Helgi Teitur is a law graduate from the University of Iceland.
He worked at Landsbanki Íslands hf. in 1998-2001, as a lawyer and solicitor, responsible for general legal work, collection, consultancy and represented the Bank in court. In 2001, Helgi Teitur headed the establishment of Intrum and Lögheimtan's offices in Akureyri and worked there as Regional Manager in North Iceland until 2004. Helgi Teitur also provided legal services to municipalities and unions in Akureyri.
Helti Teitur was Branch Manager of Landsbankinn in Akureyri between 2004 and 2010.

Hreiðar Bjarnason, Finance
Hreiðar holds a degree in business administration from the University of Iceland and an MSc degree in finance from London Business School. He has also completed an examination in securities trading.
Hreiðar worked for Landsbanki Islands hf. (old Landsbanki) from 1998, first in Capital Markets and later in the Bank's Treasury division. He assumed the post of Managing Director of Markets and Treasury in Landsbankinn early in 2010 and became managing director of Finance in August 2012. Hreiðar is also deputy CEO.

Sara Pálsdóttir, Communication & Culture
Sara Pálsdóttir is a Master of International Business from Bifröst University and holds a B.Sc. degree in Business Administration, with a focus on marketing and tourism, from the University of Akureyri.
Sara was a specialist in Landsbankinn’s London marketing division in 2007-2008 and had previously worked for the Bank alongside her studies. From there, she went to work as a market analyst for Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare in the UK, a firm specialising in healthcare, home and hygiene. Sara came to work for Eimskip in 2011 and was Director of Import in 2017 to 2021, when she took up the position of Managing Director at Landsbankinn.
Organisational chart
Landsbankinn is comprised of seven main divisions. There are three business segments, Consumer Banking, Corporate Banking, and Asset Management & Capital Markets. The support segments are four, Risk Management, Finance & Operations, IT and Community. Other key units are Internal Audit, which answers directly to the Board of Directors, Compliance and Legal Services.
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