Legal entity identifier code
Legal entity identifier code
The legal entity identifier (LEI) is a 20-digit international identification code for legal entities.

Who is required to acquire LEI codes?
Legal entities who trade in financial instruments, listed for trade on the market, or trade in derivatives are required to have a LEI code and inform Landsbankinn about the code. Customers who intend to trade only in UCITS and investment funds, such as Landsbréf funds, are not required to have a LEI code. Financial undertakings use LEI codes to report to regulators about transactions in financial instruments.
How can a legal entity register for a LEI code?
Legal entities apply for a LEI code from active and endorsed local operating units (LOUs) and renew their application annually. The Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation maintains a searchable register of registered LEI codes and their validity periods. LOUs charge a fee for issuing LEI codes. Below is a list of several LOUs.

How do I inform Landsbankinn about a LEI code?
Email the legal entity’s LEI code to Landsbankinn at, including the name of the legal entity and its Icelandic Reg. No.